Wednesday 13 April 2016

Papaya Farming
Unknown01:52 0 comments

Papaya Farming

We might providing for worth of effort to An best Papaya Farming.
Papaya is one of the most nutritious and medicinally important fruits of tropical region. Recently, its industrial value has also increased because of the enzyme "papain" which has a number of industrial uses. Therefore, its cultivation has become highly paying. A farmer can easily generate an income of about Rs. 1,00000-150000 from one acre of papaya plantation either by papain extracting or by marketing ripe fruits. Papaya (Carica papaya) belonging to the family Caricaceae was introduced in India in 16th century by the Portugese. It is one of the few plants which produces fruits throughout the year. It owes its popularity to various simple reasons like, it requires less area per tree, comes to fruiting in a year, easy to cultivate, provides per hectare income next only to banana and has a high nutritive and medicinal value. Papaya is a native of tropical America. It is now grown in all the tropical and sub-tropical countries.

For whatever help call:-9651263333,9453278562. 
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